Websites to Support Reading  

Branching Out: If you're not sure what to read next, there are some poster on the Books for Topics website that show you recommendations related to famous authors and series you might have enjoyed. 

The Book of Hopes : a free book to read online with contributions from over 100 authors and illustrators. 

Amazon Audible have made their audio books for children free for the duration of time that schools are closed. 

Oxford Owl is a website that you can create a free account with. Once you have done this, your child will have access to a range of different e-books that you can filter by age.

Story Online is free to access and has a range of videos of actors and actresses reading stories aloud. 

Story Nory is a free access website that provides audio files to listen to stories as well as the text for children to read along with online. 

Epic! is a website offering over 35,000 ebooks and quizzes. Parents can sign up for a 30-day free trail. 

Accelerated Reader is the reading comprehension scheme we follow in KS2. Children can access this at home and complete quizzes on books they have read. 

Click here to download the slides from the parent workshop introducing Accelerated Reader to new users.

Accelerated Reader Book Finder is an easy-to-use and quick way for children to check if the books at home or online have quizzes on Accelerated Reader. 

Click here to download a list of books that are available for you to read on the Oxford Owl website which also have quizzes on Accelerated Reader. 

                                                                                                        See the source image

For parents with children in Reception to Year 3, if you would like to use the e-book library please click here and put in your user details. Once you have signed in you will need to scroll down the list of books to search for one that is linked to your child’s reading band; in most cases the colour is displayed in brackets after the title. After you have read the book, there will be a link in the bottom right hand corner this will take you to the quiz. If you are unsure how to use this resource please take a look at the Parent Guide.



  Websites to Support Writing  


Literacy Shed is a website used by staff that offer a bank of rich video clips which children can write about. 

Spelling City has a wide range of free spelling games. 

Scholastic had a range of books with activities that run alongside them. It is an American site but there is a wide range of texts and topics to choose from.

Twinkl have a wide selection of resources in the forms of worksheets and powerpoints. We use their resources a lot in school. Currently, their websites is offering free membership to parents. Even if you are unable to print at home, your child could complete some of the activities in their home learning book or on separate paper. You can use the search bar at the top to find resources related to your child's current learning. 


Websites to Support Phonics

Phonics Play has free resources and games for children and guidance for parents.

Topmarks has phonics games to help children from 4 to 11 years old. Just search for 'phonics' and your age group.

BBC Bitesize has a section within English to support children's phonics.

Jolly Phonics videos on YouTube can support children and parents to pronounce the sounds properly.




Websites to Support Maths

My Maths

Daily 10 Timed mental maths activities such as times tables, number bonds etc.

Times Tables Rockstars A website from year 3 and above where the children can practice their times tables in a race against the clock.

White Rose This is a great tool if you would like to continue with your child's mathematical learning. There are videos, which explain each concept covered.

The Hamilton Trust In this free resource, children will be able to access free content every week in Maths and English. There are different year groups as well that targets every child of primary age.

The Khan Academy Although it is an American website and the levels are divided into grades, children and parents can access Maths content with video tutorials. As a guide kindergarden is year 1, grade 1 is year 2, grade 2 is year 3, grade 3 is year 4, grade 4 is year 5 and grade 5 is year 6.

Computer Programming Computer and Maths work hand in hand and in this site, it will allow your child to go through lessons that if done in the correct sequence, it will allow them to create a game, which their friends and themselves can have a go. Have fun and enjoy!

Advance Computer Programming Once your child has mastered the above skills, this will provide them with the next step in their computer programming. It is much more advanced and they would need to have done the previous learning to be able to understand the terminology used. Again having fun and experimenting is key! 

Calculation Policy This file outlines how we, at Civitas Academy, represent and teach the four calculations. 

Websites to Support the Wider Curriculum 

Books for Topics has a vast amount of books that link to the different topics the children do at school.

Jelly Arts YouTube get some great art ideas from this YouTube page and watch some artists discuss their work.

Jelly Arts Resources find linked resources and activities to complete.

Tate Museum has lots of paintings and information about artists that children could look at, learn about and try to copy the paintings or style of paintings.

Education City has free resources to download and print linked to different areas of the wider curriculum. 

BBC Bitesize is a great website for child friendly videos and facts. 

Historical Association has generated a lot of websites linked to each topic that your child has covered at school. Follow this link to find all of the websites they've suggested.

Blockly is a computing website to help children learn how to program algorithms.

Scratch is another computing website with lots of games.

National Geographic Kids has activities and quizzes for children to test their knowledge. Can you learn about a new city and compare it to Reading? If your parents or grandparents have come from another country, research and design a poster to share with your class.

Duolingo allows users to learn a new language for free. It is very child friendly with pictures to support learning. Maybe challenge yourself to learn a new language at home.

Mystery Science has free science lessons after registering for free.


Websites to Support P.E.

Just Dance - dances to different music through the years

GoNoodle - Child-friendly online physical activities

Cosmic Yoga for children

PE Home learning challenges from the Scottish government 

Joe Wicks Fitness Workouts - LIVE workouts Monday - Friday 9am


 Websites to support Wellbeing 

Coronavirus book for children - a free downloadable book that explains coronavirus to children, illustrated by Axel Scheffler.

Lucy's in Lockdown - a free ebook to download about being in lockdown. Add to cart, fill in your email address and they will email you a pdf copy of the book. 

Websites to support SEN

Suggested home learning timetable for sensory needs

Suggested home learning timetable for children with physical disability

Suggested home learning timetable for children with who require support with communication and have sensory needs

Online speech and language activities

Activity from Twinkle to help children talk and understand their feelings

Suggested learning activities for children with SEND

Under 5 Local offer - direct to pathways of SEND support

Local offer - pathways of external SEND support

Parenting of Special children webinars: access to parenting advice and support

More activities and games

Supporting children with understanding changes to the world since Covid 19

NSPCC guides to support parents during Covid 19

Simple visual support to discuss Covid 19 with your child

Simple visual support to discuss Covid 19 with your child sheet 2

Social story to help children understand Covid 19

Free online speech and language resources: Chatterpack